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How to get on the show – be my guest!

The open cloud infrastructure podcast wants you as a guest on the show! Come and show your work and share your learnings. You’re most welcome, whether you think it’s kube-c-t-l or kube-cut-el, k-eight or kaight :-). You have found a cool product, service or software? Tell the world!

Here is what you need to know about being a guest speaker:

Time & Date

Episodes are released on a schedule and auto-posted on every second Monday of the month. If you want to be guest on the show, you’ll need to be able to meet once for a quick preparation call of 15 minutes and for 45 minutes for the recording. The cut-off day is Wednesday before publishing. Once we are confirmed, I will send out an email with additional information, such as agreed topics.


We will use the preparation call to go through a recording dry-run using Cleanfeed, a website that allows us to have a high quality voice connection.

I’ll then call you and we are connected through a high-fidelity conferencing software. The easiest way to get this step done is using an online meeting tool like Webex, Zoom, Goto Meeting, etc. I’ll help you install the software and we will do a test call.

Before the show, please fill out the guest information form and waiver. You can find the waiver full text here.


Good sound is very important to me and the listeners! I will discuss with you the possible audio options you have at your disposal. Don’t fret, we will find a way! Here are some things you can do if you don’t have an audio studio setup already:

  • Use headphones for listening, not your computer speakers. It can degrade audio quality due to echo cancellation.
  • If you have an external microphone, perfect! Pull it close to your mouth. We will do tweaks if necessary.
  • If you have a Bluetooth headset with built-in microphone it most likely will not sound great in the recording. It is almost always better to use an external microphone that is connected via cable. Bluetooth audio profiles are notoriously low quality since they most likely will use the telephony profile.


Where you record determines very much the audio recording quality.

  • Chose a room without echo (bare walls, e.g. kitchens are not good). Ideally your living room with lots of furniture.
  • Make sure there are no machines or devices running (fridges, motors, AC units, ventilators, etc).
  • Get comfortable! The more relaxed you are, the better you’ll sound. In case we are doing a video recording, put your laptop camera at eye level. Use some books to stack them up and put your laptop on them