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Tag: Linux

Episode 14 – K8 misconfiguration exposes Fortune 500s’ data, The Reluctant Sysadmin’s Guide to Securing a Linux Server, John maddog Hall’s take on RHELs license changes

  1. K8 misconfig exposes Fortune 500s’ data
  2. The Reluctant Sysadmin’s Guide to Securing a Linux Server
  3. John maddog Hall’s take on RHELs license changes
  4. A podcast recommendation

K8 misconfig exposes Fortune 500s’ data

Professionally, I work in the security space, and because of that, I’m always interested in hearing about security issues, risks, attacks, or anything really going on in that space. So right now my Infosec exchange feed is full of people traveling to Vegas, of course and a lot of activities directed towards finding and reporting on security issues. One of the most forward companies in the K8 security space is Aqua Security.

The Reluctant Sysadmin’s Guide to Securing a Linux Server 

Since we’re talking about security already, why not cover the basics in case you’re someone using a Linux server or workstation somewhere in your network. I am a huge fan of revisiting basics over and over again, just to make sure everyone is getting the same message, consistently and frequently. It deepens and freshens knowledge of any topic. Some call it wax on, wax off or sharpening the saw.
I recently came across The Reluctant Sysadmin’s Guide to Securing a Linux Server and I think it has some great information and is very useful.

John maddog Hall’s take on RHELs license changes

Lots and lots has been written about Red Hat’s changes in releasing source code for RHEL and I talked about it in the last show or two. As with everything, people are calming down after a frenzy of discussion and disagreements and the waters are calming a little bit. The distros competing with RHEL have made their business decisions and are moving on with their lives. 

An assessment by John maddog Hall is worth noting in this discussion

Episode 13 – Linux Forklore everywhere, a K8 book club, 500 Portainer templates and a podcast recommendation

Linux forklore everywhere
A K8 book club
500 Portainer templates
A podcast recommendation

Linux forklore everywhere
In the last episode I talked about a change Red Hat is making, specifically not releasing RHEL sources like they used to. There are some nuances to that, so I would not have expected a careful take from Red Hat’s competitors, but what Oracle did was definitely surprisingly low.

A K8 book club
When I see or hear of a good idea, I make a note in my Apple Notes and drag it out when the time comes. So with this, I present the K8 bookclub, hosted at The Kubernetes Book Club is a community group that discusses books about Cloud Native

500 Portainer templates
Go have at it.

A podcast recommendation
Give a listen to “For the long run” with Jonathan Levitt. He’s a runner, cyclist and podcast host from Boston, MA. This podcast is exploring the why behind what keeps runners running long, strong, and motivated. Jonathan is super-connected in the field and I have listened to some great conversations, which is one of the podcast formats that I wish I could do some of, so why don’t you come and be my guest on the show?