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Episode 9 – Datadog bills a single customer $65M, Hetzner Cloud is hard to beat on price, Amazon Prime moving from Serverless backed by Lambda to monoliths running on VMs.

Datadog bills a single customer $65M and we just need to know who

Every once in a while, earnings calls are interesting and when this popped up, I naturally was curious as well. So transport yourself to the Datadog earnings call Q1/23 when Mark Murphy, a JPMorgan Chase Analyst comes off mute and asks this question, answered by David M. Obstler, Chief Financial Officer:

Hetzner Cloud is hard to beat on price
Here’s a treat from the folks of Servicestack, a specialist in comprehensive .NET Frameworks for building API first systems, who got ticked off by an $8 price increase at DigitalOcean. It’s just the little things that annoy us, isn’t’ it?

Amazon Prime moving from Serverless backed by Lambda to monoliths running on VMs
This is a great lesson learned article from the Amazon team showing how they designed a system only to find out that it hit a hard performance limit at 5% of the expected load. Ouch!

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