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Month: May 2023

Episode 10 – Be cloud agnostic – this is the way, according to Gartner, Layoffs hit Red Hat as well, Google Cloud makes first profit

Be cloud agnostic – this is the way, according to Gartner

When it comes to the Cloud, the magic quadrant has hits all over the box, well except for the “Challenger” box. I am just kidding here, if you are familiar with the Gartner magic quadrant you know what companies look for is on the top right corner of the box. You’re leading and you’re the best. Amazon, Microsoft and Google are in that top right corner. However, when it comes to Cloud, Gartner seems to say it’s best to pick one cloud and have another ace in the hole, just in case another pandemic hits or something like that.

Layoffs hit Red Hat as well

4% of the company, or about 800 people are being axed and they ask themselves – WHY? It’s a good question, given that in IBM’s recent Q1 2023 results, revenue for Red Hat grew 8 percent (11 percent in constant currency – whatever that is).

Google Cloud makes first profit

Making money in the cloud is very, very, very hard. I used to work for a company providing an Openstack-based hyper converged offering and I’ve done many models for prospects and took them through ROI calculations and capex models. Google is of course in a better position. Instead of paying a vendor for an off-the-shelf solution, they are developing their own solutions, based on open source. Now, after it was launched in April 2008, it finally eked out a profit. Here’s what Ruth Porrat, Alphabet’s CFO said on their earnings call:

A podcast recommendation

There are so many great podcasts out there and I listen to a lot of them, so why not call them out when there’s great stuff to listen to. This time, I want to recommend “Gadget Lab, Weekly tech news from WIRED”. Yes, you can still buy a printed edition of Wired, but you can also listen to the podcast. Not only is it sounding GREAT, the hosts WIRED editor in chief Gideon Lichfield and senior writer Lauren Goode are always bringing in nice guests and level headed commentary

Episode 9 – Datadog bills a single customer $65M, Hetzner Cloud is hard to beat on price, Amazon Prime moving from Serverless backed by Lambda to monoliths running on VMs.

Datadog bills a single customer $65M and we just need to know who

Every once in a while, earnings calls are interesting and when this popped up, I naturally was curious as well. So transport yourself to the Datadog earnings call Q1/23 when Mark Murphy, a JPMorgan Chase Analyst comes off mute and asks this question, answered by David M. Obstler, Chief Financial Officer:

Hetzner Cloud is hard to beat on price
Here’s a treat from the folks of Servicestack, a specialist in comprehensive .NET Frameworks for building API first systems, who got ticked off by an $8 price increase at DigitalOcean. It’s just the little things that annoy us, isn’t’ it?

Amazon Prime moving from Serverless backed by Lambda to monoliths running on VMs
This is a great lesson learned article from the Amazon team showing how they designed a system only to find out that it hit a hard performance limit at 5% of the expected load. Ouch!